
The decision to attend a boarding school is not one lightly made. The physical separation from one's family and friends and moving away from all that is familiar into the unknown can make this decision an emotionally difficult one even though, for some, it may be the only viable option. Rhenish Hostel creates a welcoming atmosphere where the learners genuinely feel surrounded by the sisterhood and part of the Rhenish family. It rapidly becomes their "home away from home".


There are a host of positive things to be considered when making this decision:  out of the comfort zone of home, the girls are encouraged to try new things; hostel is a place where intense friendships are formed and these friends are accessible all the time; the girls make friends with girls from different walks of life with different fields of reference and experience; and the hostel girl has the opportunity to become part of a very proud community and tradition.  Importantly, hostel is an environment that allows the girls to make their own choices and to take responsibility for their own actions.

At Rhenish, we provide a ‘home-away-from-home’ environment while creating opportunities for all boarders to develop the life skills necessary on their journey to becoming well-rounded, strong young women fit to take their place as contributing members of society.  Girls come from far afield; they encompass diverse backgrounds and this, together with other social issues, provides a unique opportunity for our hostel girls:  not only are they housed in a safe environment, but they have the opportunity to learn from each other, to learn about each other, to develop understanding and respect for each other and for the things that make them different to each other and for the common humanity they share.  All Rhenish boarders are encouraged to develop a clear idea of what is right and what is wrong;  to uphold this standard with responsibility and integrity.

Rhenish Hostel aims to provide a happy, tolerant and disciplined atmosphere. Our girls are encouraged to behave appropriately, to take care of their own well-being while simultaneously caring for or being concerned about others.  The successful hostel girl is able to find this balance, she is able to bond with the other girls and thus she takes her place in a new family; one richly diverse yet enriched by its diversity; a place she can call ‘home’.



Grade 8 and 9 hostel learners are accommodated in dormitories with 4 beds. Grade 10 learners are accommodated in 2 or 3-bed dormitories, Grade 11 learners in 2-bed dormitories and Grade 12 learners in 2-bed dormitories. There are 6 single dorms which are afforded to Grade 12 learners. Each grade has a communal bathroom which has recently been upgraded. 

There are two TV/entertainment communal areas and WI-FI controlled access for all boarders. 

The hostel outsources laundry biweekly at an additional cost to the boarder.

Academic Culture in Hostel

Rhenish Hostel aims to create an environment where productive learning can take place.

The afterschool structure and facilities allow for this to happen. There are two compulsory 50 minute study sessions each evening where Grade 8 - 9 are supervised in study rooms downstairs. The senior students may study in their dormitories. There are individual study/tutor rooms where learners who have tutors who come to the hostel for sessions may book a quiet cubicle. 

The Rhenish Hostel Family

As the hostel learners are away from their families for four nights a week new bonds are formed with their hostel family.

One thing that past Rhenisher boarders talk about fondly is the bond which was formed during their hostel years and has been maintained well into their outside school life over the years. This bond is formed as the learners share their experience of living together, attending school, playing sports and sharing meals. 

Each Grade 8 coming into the hostel is assigned a Matric learner who serves as a mentor, friend and sister. 

Whole hostel events such as the Hostel dance, a Valentine’s day picnic, Halloween activities, movie nights - and the list goes on - create an environment where the hostel learners are able to interact socially with hostelites from other grades.  


The hostel kitchen can cater for 150 boarders and all meals are served in the hostel dining room.

Hostel learners receive breakfast before school in the morning, a snack at first break, a cooked meal at lunch and supper and a snack after the last study session in the evening. 

hostel staff - organogram (A4 Document) (3).pdf

hostel staff - organogram (A4 Document) (4).pdf