
The first official Old Girls' Union was constituted on 1 May 1930, but throughout the history of the school, the Old Girls have always played a very important role in the life of the school. They participated in the 25th anniverary, 50th anniversary and Centenary celebrations and more recently, in the 140th and 150th Celebrations.


Rhenish without a vibrant Old Girls' Union is unthinkable. Succeeding waves of Old Girls can take a lead from the women who went before them to keep the Union vital and effective.

As the school continues to move confidently, vibrantly and progressively into the 21st Century, it is important to remember that, while we are, indeed, progressive and forward-looking, we are also rooted in the glorious past that the ROGU symbolises and in which the school is rooted. The goodwill, interest, support and committed involvement of past pupils provides the nurturing climate that is essential to the school's growth.


ROGU Membership Application Form.pdf

Membership to ROGU

The Rhenish Old Girls' Union offers past learners the opportunity to join the union for a once off payment of R300.00.

Members will enjoy preferred entry to events like the Old Girls' Annual Luncheon, 4M in the ROGU hospitality tent, Birthday Assemblies and other events.

Download your membership form here.

PLEASE NOTE: All new ROGU scarf orders will only be placed in the new year, 2024. You are welcome to continue with the ordering of the scarves but the official order from the school to the supplier will take place in the new year.

Data Base - Alumnet

All past Rhenishers are encouraged to sign up to the Rhenish Old Girls' data base - Alumnet.  

Stay connected to the network of old girls who are making a difference in the world.  Re-connect with old classmates and friends.  Reminisce about your days in the hallways of your alma mater.  Hear about news of old girls and upcoming events and reunions.

Register or login to Alumnet here.

Rhodes Scholarship

Rhenish Old Girls who qualify have a very special opportunity to apply for postgraduate study at Oxford University.

In terms of Cecil John Rhodes’s Will, a Scholarship Trust was established in 1902, to enable potential young leaders to study at Oxford. In the Will, five scholarships were specifically awarded to South Africa – one to a student from Natal and one each to four schools: Diocesan College (Bishops), SACS, Stellenbosch Boys’ High School (Paul Roos) and St Andrews (Grahamstown).

In recent years these scholarships have also been made available to women from their partner schools. In the case of Paul Roos, this opened the way to alumnae from Rhenish Girls’ High School and Hoër Meisiesskool Bloemhof.

The scholarship is aimed at outstanding young graduates who excel academically, demonstrate
leadership and are committed to making a difference in the world.

Read more about who should apply for this and how to do so here.

Attend a Virtual Information Session to find out from ex-Rhenish recipients of the Scholarship what it is all about.

ROGU Membership Form 2024 (2).pdf